Saturday, May 30, 2015

Bue Marino Cave and beaches

Departing the town.

We start to see some of the caves.

Getting closer to the caves. 

About to enter the Bue Marino cave.

No filter: the water is actually this color.

Walking to the entrance of the caves.

It seemed very bright outside of the caves.

We could see through the water all the way to the bottom.

The entrance to the caves.

We were allowed to take pictures just in this area.

Some stalactites on the top of the cave.

Walking into the caves.

Leaving the Bue Marino cave by boat.

Navigating along the shore.

More caves everywhere.

Approaching the first beach.

Some caves that we explored on the beach,

The beach from the water.

The beach from the sand.

Another beach that we passed.

A smaller beach that we passed.

Different colors in the water; dark blue and light blue.

More pictures of the water.

The next beach that we went to.

The beach had small white pebbles instead of sand.

A small archway that we went past before turning around.

Heading back to land.

Hike up the mountain and sunset at hotel

*These pictures were taken on 5/29/2015

Matt (the cat whisperer) found a tiny grey kitten under a car and picked him up.

The hotel we stayed at in the mountain.

Part of the trail we took up to the top.

We came across a rock quarry.

Looking down the quarry.

Hiking with Kestral!

Hiking with Lauren!

The mountain ridge.

The view from the top, looking into the sun.

Another view from the top.

Neil on top of the rock.

Kestral hiking on the way down.

The sunset at dinner.

The murals of Orgosolo

*These pictures were taken on 5/29/2015

The following pictures are of murals that I saw in Orgosolo. There were many more murals, but I couldn't take pictures of all of them so I just took pictures of ones I liked or thought were particularly interested (which is still a lot).

There were also flowers and alleyways everywhere!

I really liked this one because it blends in, and I almost didn't notice it at first.

This was also one of my favorites.

I like this one because its very simple.

I thought this pink house was pretty with all of the flowers.

Mural about 9/11.

Tu sei qui means "you are here".

Mural with the statue of liberty.

Another pretty alleyway.

The tops of the roofs with solar panels and water heaters.

View of the city.

Some rainbow steps.

Kestral jumping off of the rainbow steps.

Lindsey, Divya, and Lauren looking out over the city.